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Les Deck Consulting
Leadership Team Coaching
Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching
Leadership Team Assessment
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Welcome to our leadership team assessment. There are seven questions. Once you've finished, we will score your answers and provide some next steps you can take if you want better performance from your team.
Does your team work together like a well-oiled machine?
Are you consistently meeting your plans for sales and profit?
Can you see your way to the next level with clarity?
Do you have an actionable strategy that will get you there?
Do you have a culture of accountability?
Is your management team 100% aligned on your mission?
Are you able to attract the right people to really meet client challenges?
You answered yes. This means you have been deliberate about how you lead executives and consistent over the years and months you’ve been leading this team. You are one of the few who understands the value of this level of commitment to keeping your team running smoothly. Now we will focus on improvement through the use of tools designed precisely for the purpose of team leadership.
You answered no. Without focus, your team can’t get done what you want. Instead, you find yourself dealing with more problems than you should. This leaves your expectations unmet and reduces the quality of your life. It’s time to remove the stress, get this team running like a well-oiled machine and quickly.
You answered yes. Excellent, you have set goals consistently and led your team through the step by step process to achieve them. Now is the time to mobilize the real capabilities of an aligned team to see how much more they can achieve when they are working as a unit.
You answered no. As most CEOs know, planning is a challenge. Let’s use my signature A-Game Strategy process to define exactly where your company is currently, where you need to go and how to get there. This is no long drawn out process. The team gets there in a single day!
You answered yes. That’s admirable considering the rate of change we are experiencing today. Change will only accelerate from here! Now is the time to put our tools to work to hone your view of the landscape and help you lead your executive team confidently toward tomorrow’s success.
You answered no. With change accelerating adapting is a real challenge for leaders like you. One to One executive coaching is an excellent tool to help you anticipate and plan for change that will impact the performance of the team you lead very soon.
You answered yes. Congratulations, an actionable strategy is an essential part or leading a talented team. Coupling that strategy to well selected assignments and a sure-fire accountability culture will assure that you and your team actually take the necessary actions to achieve the performance you planned.
You answered no. Truthfully, even if you had answered yes, an actionable strategy alone does not assure performance. It takes a proven process (my A-Game Strategy) to lock in alignment, assignment, accountability and adjustment that assures you are leading your team to achieve the result you want.
You answered yes. Excellent, most CEOs are not satisfied that they are holding even their direct reports accountable enough. Let’s make accountability part of your company culture and an important part of your leadership style. I can show you how to install a process that actually works and can easily roll out so your team begins to live accountability.
You answered no. This is a very common problem. Let’s take action now to make accountability part of your company culture and an important part of your leadership style. I can show you how to install a process that actually works and can easily roll out so your team begins to live accountability.
You answered yes. Good, first this would indicate the you have defined your Vision and communicated it well to the team you lead. Alignment is very powerful and most powerful when it is coupled with several other words that begin with A to make sure alignment produces achievement.
You answered no. First things first! Leadership team coaching will enable you to define you Vision and lead the team to develop a shared strategy that supports it. We can get this all going quickly to produce the results you are committed to.
You answered yes. Wonderful, we live in a dynamic world! Training and retention of the valuable team members you have recruited are tools you will need to keep A players on your team. Another is involvement in decision making. Leadership Team Coaching will show you how to keep valuable people involved, focused and achieving.
You answered no. Getting the right people to meet the challenge is a big problem today. We can help you think through your process and come up with strategies that help you attract the A players you need on the team you lead. Once you find them, training and retention of the valuable team members you have recruited are tools you will need to keep them on your team. Another is involvement in decision making. Leadership Team Coaching will show you how to keep valuable people involved, focused and achieving.
Thank you for taking the time to provide thoughtful answers to some very tough questions. Most CEOs have leadership team issues, that's somewhat common. It's the rare and valuable CEO who decides to do something about it, and you've just taken the first step. When you fill out the information below, we will prepare your assessment answers and then send them to you with an invitation for a free strategy session where we review how you can improve those areas of your operation you mentioned. Of course, your information is entirely confidential; nobody will ever see your answers but you and your coach. I look forward to our conversation!
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