There are very important things you want to do, need to do, but the time never seems right. Things so important they belong on a different day, month, year, planet. A quiet, harmonious planet, one with no distractions, where we can think clearly. But nobody can get there, and lives, businesses, and dreams need pursuing.
Maybe you want to build a plan for management succession into your hiring strategy, job descriptions, processes, and policies, but who has time for that? Or strategically re-craft your product offering in a changing market, but how will that ever happen? Even just dismissing a poor performer from your team can seem to necessitate a cascading nightmare of staffing, training, and disruption. If you’re waiting for the right time, it will never come.
So I took my group through a session recently. We stole half a day to talk about doing those dauntingly important things and doing them now. I’m posting my session materials for anyone who wants a team to address big goals for 2019.
Happy Holidays, I hope the files below work as well for you as they did for me, and would love to hear how it went afterward.